· supplements · 6 min read

Can You Take Pre Workout on a Plane? (Gains In The Sky?)

You're a beast in the gym, and your pre-workout is like fuel to your fire. But when you're about to hit the skies, the big question looms: Can you take pre-workout on a plane?

You're a beast in the gym, and your pre-workout is like fuel to your fire. But when you're about to hit the skies, the big question looms: Can you take pre-workout on a plane?

You’re a beast in the gym, and your pre-workout is like fuel to your fire. But when you’re about to hit the skies, the big question looms: Can you take pre-workout on a plane? Hell yeah, you can! But let me break it down for you because it’s not as simple as throwing your gym bag in the overhead bin.

First off, let’s talk caffeine. Most of us live and breathe this stuff, right? Well, your pre-workout isn’t getting grounded just because you’re 30,000 feet up. But here’s the kicker: you can’t bring opened powders. I mean, think about it – you wouldn’t want someone dusting the cabin with random powder, would you? It’s about safety, dude.

So, pack it tight and keep it sealed. And remember, while caffeine is your wingman, make sure it’s not in some crazy high dose that’ll have you bouncing off the airplane walls. You’re there to crush your trip, not the flight attendant’s patience.

Can You Bring Pre-Workout on a Plane Checked Baggage?

Now, let’s dive into the details of your checked baggage. You’ve got your pre-workout, and you’re ready to take this show on the road…or sky. Can you stash it in your checked bags? Absolutely! But, listen up, because there are a few hoops to jump through.

You can bring up to 12 oz. / 350 mL of your powdered muscle magic in your carry-on. We’re talking about any powder-like supplements – so don’t start thinking you’ve got to leave your gains on the ground. But play it smart, alright? Keep it sealed and untouched. You don’t want to give the TSA a reason to rummage through your stuff more than they already do.

And here’s a pro tip: keep that powder in its original packaging. If your pre-workout looks like it’s been through a tornado, they might just toss it. Trust me, no one wants their pre-workout to be the reason they miss their flight.

Can I Fly with Workout Supplements?

Flight attendant serving workout supplements

I know you’re probably the kind of guy who doesn’t just throw in the towel on your fitness routine, even when you’re 30,000 feet up. So, you’re packing your bags and wondering, can you take pre-workout on a plane? The answer? Absolutely yes, you can. But, bro, there are some rules you gotta play by.

When it comes to your checked bags, you’re golden. You can pack your pre-workout and all your other muscle-building powders. But here’s the deal: if any of that powder-like substance is more than 12 oz. / 350 mL, you’re gonna need to toss it in a separate bin for X-ray screening at the airport. Yeah, it might get some extra eyeballing, and they might even need to open it up to check it out.

So here’s a pro tip straight from the gym floor: if it’s not crucial to your gains, maybe just pack it in your checked luggage. Save yourself the hassle, and keep your focus on what matters – keeping those muscles pumped and ready to go, wherever you land.

Do Airports Check Supplements?

Now, let’s talk about what goes down at the airport. You’re standing there, bag full of vitamins and supplements, wondering if TSA’s gonna give you the third degree. Good news, my man, for the most part, TSA won’t give a damn about your vitamin stash. No need to declare them or get into some long-winded explanation about your gains.

But, and this is a big but, if you’re carrying liquid supplements or powders over 12 oz. (that’s about 350 mL for those who skipped math class), you gotta play by the rules. These bad boys need to be placed in a separate bin during the X-ray screening. It’s all about keeping things above board and avoiding any unnecessary drama.

So, remember, keep your supplements in check, and you’ll breeze through security like a champ. After all, your focus should be on crushing your next workout, not sweating over your supplement stash.

Tips for Traveling With Fitness Supplements

TSA agent checking workout supplements

Alright, guys, it’s time to pack up and hit the skies without leaving your gains behind. Here’s your essential checklist to ensure you’re nailing the can you take pre-workout on a plane game:

  • Opt for Travel-Sized Tubs: Those gigantic tubs of pre-workout aren’t exactly TSA-friendly. Grab some travel-sized tubs instead. They’re compact, convenient, and won’t raise any eyebrows at security.

  • Keep Powders in Original Packaging: To avoid any unnecessary hassle, keep your pre-workout in its original packaging. This makes it clear it’s a legit supplement, not something suspicious.

  • Single-Serve Packets for the Win: These are gold. No mess, no measuring, just tear and mix. They’re perfect for on-the-go muscle fuel and won’t take up much space.

  • Mind the Liquids Rule: Remember, empty your shaker bottles before security. You can always fill ‘em up later. It’s all about dodging any delays on your way to muscle town.

  • Explore Non-Powder Options: Sometimes, going old school works best. Pack protein bars, nuts, or other solid snacks that can give you a pre-workout boost without the powder.

  • Label Everything Clearly: Clear labels can save you time and explanations. Make sure all your supplements are clearly marked, so there’s no confusion.

  • Check Airline Restrictions: Every airline’s got its quirks. Do a quick check to make sure your supplements comply with their specific rules.

  • Seal Everything Tight: Avoid spillage nightmares by ensuring all containers are tightly sealed. You don’t want a protein powder explosion in your gym bag.

  • Divide and Conquer: If you’ve got a lot of supplements, distribute them between your carry-on and checked luggage. This balances the load and avoids any issues with quantity limits.

  • Have a Plan B: Sometimes things go sideways. Have a backup plan, like knowing where to buy supplements at your destination, just in case.


Can you take pre-workout on a plane? Yes, you can, but it’s all about playing it smart and staying within the rules.

We’ve talked about sticking to travel-sized tubs to keep things compact and hassle-free. Remember, keeping your powders in their original packaging and opting for single-serve packets can save you a world of trouble. It’s about being neat, organized, and ready for anything.

Don’t forget the liquids rule, guys. Keep those shaker bottles empty until you’re through security. And if powders aren’t your thing or just too much of a hassle, there’s a whole world of solid, no-fuss alternatives like protein bars and nuts that’ll keep you pumped and ready.

And here’s the bottom line: being prepared is half the battle. Know the rules, pack smart, and always have a Plan B. Your fitness journey doesn’t take a break just because you’re 30,000 feet up. So keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be all set to maintain those gains, no matter where your travels take you. Stay strong, stay smart, and let the journey to your fitness goals continue – sky-high and beyond!


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