· supplements · 4 min read

My Experience with Acheta Protein: Why I Wouldn't Recommend It

I will be honest, when I first heard about acheta protein, I was intrigued. The idea of a sustainable, environmentally-friendly protein source derived from crickets sounded like a novel and innovative concept.

I will be honest, when I first heard about acheta protein, I was intrigued. The idea of a sustainable, environmentally-friendly protein source derived from crickets sounded like a novel and innovative concept.

I’ll be honest, when I first heard about acheta protein, I was intrigued. The idea of a sustainable, environmentally-friendly protein source derived from crickets sounded like a novel and innovative concept. However, after giving it a try, I can confidently say that acheta protein is something I would never recommend.

What is Acheta Protein?

For those unfamiliar, acheta protein is a type of protein powder made from dried and ground crickets. Yes, you read that right – crickets. The insects are touted as a high-protein, low-fat, and nutrient-dense alternative to traditional protein sources like whey or plant-based options.

Proponents of acheta protein claim that it’s a more sustainable and eco-friendly choice, as crickets require significantly less water, land, and feed to produce compared to livestock. Additionally, they argue that the protein is highly bioavailable and contains all nine essential amino acids.

My Experience with Acheta Protein

Admittedly, I was initially drawn to the novelty factor of acheta protein. As someone who likes to try new and innovative products, especially in the health and fitness realm, I figured it was worth a shot. Little did I know, that decision would lead to one of the most unpleasant experiences I’ve had with a supplement.

The first issue arose when I opened the container of acheta protein powder. The overwhelming smell was akin to a musty basement or a damp closet – not exactly appetizing. I tried to push past the odor, convincing myself that the taste would be better. Boy, was I wrong.

Despite following the mixing instructions precisely, the acheta protein powder refused to fully dissolve in my shaker bottle, leaving behind a grainy, chunky texture that was nearly impossible to choke down. And the flavor? Let’s just say it lived up to the unpleasant smell, with an earthy, almost dirt-like taste that lingered long after I’d finished my shake.

But the real deal-breaker for me was the digestive distress that followed. Within an hour of consuming the acheta protein, I experienced severe bloating, gas, and discomfort that persisted for hours. It was as if my body was rejecting the cricket-based protein entirely.

The Sustainable Argument

Now, I understand the argument for sustainability and the potential environmental benefits of acheta protein. In theory, it makes sense – crickets require less resources to produce and have a smaller carbon footprint compared to traditional livestock.

However, in my opinion, the sustainability factor alone doesn’t justify the unpleasant taste, texture, and digestive issues that accompany acheta protein. If a product is marketed as a health supplement, it should, at the very least, be palatable and easily digestible.

Look, I get the appeal of trying to find more sustainable protein sources, but these plant-based options like acheta just don’t cut it in my experience. At the end of the day, you can’t beat good old-fashioned animal proteins when it comes to building muscle and fueling your body.

I tried acheta protein from crickets thinking it would be this novel, eco-friendly alternative, but it was just a gimmick. The taste and texture were absolutely vile - like chugging down dirt and gritty chalk. And don’t even get me started on the insane bloating and digestive issues it caused. Not exactly ideal for a supplement meant to aid performance and recovery.

Plant proteins in general just don’t seem to be absorbed and utilized as well by the body compared to their animal-based counterparts. They’re often lower in essential amino acids and lack that thick, rich texture that makes shakes satisfying. Who wants a watery, flavorless shake after a brutal workout?

That’s why I always go back to the basics - whey, casein, egg, even beef protein isolates. You get a complete amino acid profile, the powder mixes smoothly, and it tastes delicious. Chocolate peanut butter whey will always beat out whatever “crispy cricket crunch” flavor vegan companies come up with.

At the end of the day, I’m focused on fueling my body for peak performance, not jumping on every sustainability trend that comes along. If a new plant protein can match the nutrition, taste and texture of high-quality animal sources, I’ll consider it. But until then, you’ll find me sticking to what works - the OG animal proteins that have helped build my physique.

So save the cricket powder for the health nuts. I’ll take my steak and eggs over novelty plant proteins any day of the week when it comes to building muscle and recovering from tough workouts. You can’t beat mother nature’s real-deal protein sources.


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