· weightlifting · 4 min read

Serge Nubret Workout: (Gain 20 lbs With This?)

Dive into the world of Serge Nubret - a legend whose workout routine, diet, and training methods have left a lasting impact on bodybuilding enthusiasts worldwide.

Dive into the world of Serge Nubret - a legend whose workout routine, diet, and training methods have left a lasting impact on bodybuilding enthusiasts worldwide.

Dive into the world of Serge Nubret - a legend whose workout routine, diet, and training methods have left a lasting impact on bodybuilding enthusiasts worldwide. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what made Serge Nubret the “Black Panther” of his time.

Serge Nubret Workout: Sculpting the Perfect Physique

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty! Serge’s routine wasn’t for the faint-hearted. He meticulously crafted a regimen that sculpted his body to perfection, and we’ve got the details. Gear up!

Monday & Thursday: Quads & Chest

  • BB Back Squats: 8 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Leg Press: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Leg Extensions: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • BB Bench Press: 8 Sets x 12 Reps
  • DB Flys – Flat Bench: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Incline BB Bench Press: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Incline DB Flys: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • DB Pullovers: 6 Sets x 12 Reps

Tuesday & Friday: Back & Hamstrings

  • Chin Ups: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Lat Pulldowns (Behind The Neck): 8 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Lat Pulldowns (Front): 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • BB Bent Over Rowing: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Leg Curls – Lying: 8 Sets x 15 Reps
  • Leg Curls – Standing: 8 Sets x 15 Reps

Wednesday & Saturday: Shoulders, Arms & Calves

  • BB Press (Behind The Neck): 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Alternate DB Front Lateral Raises: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • BB Upright Rowing: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Cable Side Lateral Raises: 6 Sets x 12 Reps
  • BB Curls Superset W/ Triceps Pushdowns: 8 Sets x 12 Reps
  • DB Curls Superset W/ Triceps Dips: 8 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Calf Raises – Standing: 8 Sets x 12 Reps
  • Calf Raises – Seated: 8 Sets x 12 Reps

Sunday: Rest day! Recovery is key!

Make sure to take a well-deserved Rest Day. You grow when you recover so don’t skip this part.

Serge Nubret Diet

Serge Nubret flexing

When we talk about the Serge Nubret diet, we’re diving into the playbook of a man who knew his nutrition inside out. For competitions, the guy was an absolute beast! Picture this: up to 6 lbs of red meat in a day, complemented by generous servings of rice and beans.

Typical meals?

  • Breakfast: 8 eggs, 4 toasts, and milk.
  • Lunch: 3-4 pounds of meat, rice, and milk.
  • Dinner: Another 3-4 pounds of meat, spaghetti, and milk.

Performance enhancers? Nah, Serge was all about the natural grind. He believed in fueling his body right and let his training do the talking.

Serge Nubret Training: Crafting a Legacy

Serge’s training philosophy was simple: go hard, stay dedicated, and always strive for perfection. It’s no wonder his height of 5’11” carried a weight ranging from 215-255 lbs of pure muscle. His training wasn’t just about lifting weights; it was about sculpting art.

The Legend Lives On

Although the great Serge Nubret is no longer with us, his teachings, his workout regimen, and his diet principles are timeless. To all the bros out there looking for inspiration, look no further. Serge’s legacy will continue to motivate generations to come. And for those curious souls, while the exact Serge Nubret cause of death remains a topic of discussion, his life and legacy are what truly define him.

Remember, it’s not about where you start; it’s about where you want to go. Let the Serge Nubret routine be your guiding light. Stay dedicated, keep grinding, and always aim for the stars!

Why You Need My Lift Log

Gone are the days of scribbling down your reps and sets on a sweaty, crumpled piece of paper. Meet MyLiftLog - the game-changing program that takes your weightlifting sessions to new heights.


  • Precision Tracking: Easily log each lift, rep, and set. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to precision.
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  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigating the app is a breeze, making it simple to log and analyze your workouts.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: With all your lifting data at your fingertips, making informed adjustments to your training becomes effortless. Know when to push harder and when to scale back.
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Still relying on memory or old-school methods? It’s time to upgrade. My Lift Log is not just a logging tool; it’s a comprehensive companion designed to optimize your workouts and fuel your passion.

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