· weightlifting · 6 min read

Squat More Than You Deadlift? Here's The Secret To Fixing It

I was ready to crush my squat record, but as I gripped the cold metal bar and felt the weight on my shoulders, a thought niggled at the back of my mind: 'Why the hell can I squat more than I deadlift?'

I was ready to crush my squat record, but as I gripped the cold metal bar and felt the weight on my shoulders, a thought niggled at the back of my mind: 'Why the hell can I squat more than I deadlift?'

There I was, standing in the gym, the cacophony of weights clanging and machines humming around me. I was ready to crush my squat record, but as I gripped the cold metal bar and felt the weight on my shoulders, a thought niggled at the back of my mind: “Why the hell can I squat more than I deadlift?”

It’s funny how the mind works. Sometimes it drifts to the most unexpected places at the oddest times. Like recently, when I stumbled upon an article about the benefits of sunning your balls. Might sound odd, but the holistic health benefits it mentioned got me thinking about other unconventional methods to boost my gym performance.

I wasn’t always this way. In fact, I remember a time when I was hitting new PRs every week. But things change, right?

Squat more than deadlift?

A man doing deadlifts

Now, if you’re anything like me, you might be wondering about the infamous “squat to deadlift ratio.” Is it normal to deadlift more than squat? Or perhaps, like many others, you’re asking, “Why can I squat more than I deadlift?”

There’s a myriad of reasons for this conundrum. It’s not uncommon to hear someone say, “I squat more than I deadlift.” But then the question arises: “Why is my squat so much weaker than my deadlift?”

For starters, our bodies are unique. Our biomechanics play a pivotal role. If you have longer femurs, you might find squatting more comfortable. On the other hand, if your torso is longer relative to your legs, deadlifts might come more naturally. The mechanics of the two lifts are fundamentally different. While both exercises target major muscle groups, the force distribution and muscle engagement vary significantly.

Moreover, training history matters. If you started with squats early on and neglected deadlifts, there’s a chance you’ve developed stronger quad muscles relative to your posterior chain. It’s all about muscle memory, consistency, and the specificity of training.

You might be thinking, “Why is my deadlift weaker than my squat?” The reality is, it’s not just about brute strength. Technique and form are equally crucial. One slight misalignment can alter the entire movement, and, before you know it, you’re failing to lift a weight you believe you should easily manage.

But here’s the kicker – and trust me on this – most people don’t track their progress efficiently. And that’s where the game changer enters: My Lift Log.

Progressive Overload with My Lift Log

A man taking the weights off of a barbell

My journey wasn’t about ego lifting. I needed to understand, analyze, and introspect. That’s when I stumbled upon My Lift Log. If you’re serious about mastering your squat and deadlift dynamics, this app is for you. It helps track progressive overload, allowing you to pinpoint where you’re slacking, what needs tweaking, and how to get your ratios on point.

Imagine having a detailed log, monitoring every lift, every rep, and every set. No more guesswork. The path to balancing your squat and deadlift begins with knowledge and understanding.

And hey, I won’t sugarcoat it. The journey is demanding. At times, I felt like I was pushing against an immovable wall. Thoughts of giving up, of settling for mediocrity, often threatened to cloud my vision. But then I’d remind myself of one fundamental truth: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a balanced physique.

So, if you’re grappling with the question, “Why can I deadlift more than squat?” or if the phrase “I squat more than I deadlift” rings all too true, it’s time for introspection, correction, and a little help from My Lift Log.

Because, at the end of the day, it’s about more than just numbers. It’s about strength, balance, and the relentless pursuit of personal growth. Embrace the challenge, and let’s crush those imbalances together.

Deadlift More Than Squat?

A man doing deadlifts

As a man stepping into the gym, embracing the cold steel and the unmistakable scent of sheer determination, you’re met with a conundrum that seems to baffle even the hardiest of lifters. It’s a question that resonates with the echo of clinking weights and the rhythmic cadence of heavy breathing - why is my deadlift weaker than my squat? Or for others, the nagging question is reversed, why can I deadlift more than squat? It’s a puzzling dichotomy, an ironclad enigma.

Now, if you find yourself in the camp saying, I squat more than I deadlift, you’re certainly not alone. It’s an issue that I’ve grappled with, one that’s kept me up at night, asking the universe, why is my squat so much weaker than my deadlift? It’s a haunting whisper in the backdrop of every squat rack, every deadlift platform.

You see, the squat to deadlift ratio isn’t set in stone. For some, the biomechanics of their body naturally lend themselves to a more robust squat. For others, the powerful hip-hinge movement makes deadlifting their strong suit. But let me be clear: neither scenario signals a lack of dedication or effort. They’re just the quirks our bodies throw at us, and understanding them is part of the journey.

You might think, is it normal to deadlift more than squat? To which I reply: is anything about this iron journey “normal”? But to answer your burning question: yes, for many it is.

But let me share something even more potent than just words.

Enter My Lift Log. This isn’t just any program. It’s a powerful tool designed to track progressive overload. It provides clarity when shrouded with doubts like, why can I squat more than I deadlift? With it, you get insights, the raw data that paints a vivid picture of your strengths, weaknesses, and the path forward. It’s a beacon for those lost in the storm of their lifting dilemmas.

You see, I’ve been down this road, battling with my mind, seeking answers to questions that seemed elusive. And just like you, I needed direction. I wasn’t going to let this conundrum defeat me. Not when the answer was right in front of me.

Using a tool like My Lift Log, I began to decode the mysteries of my own body. And you can too.

So, if you’re plagued with the thoughts, wondering about the imbalances in your lifts, take a chance. Dive deep into the data, and understand your body. After all, isn’t the purpose of this iron journey to grow, learn, and conquer?

Don’t just be another man lost in the gym’s cacophony. Stand tall, grasp that bar, and with tools like My Lift Log at your disposal, rise above the noise. Because with every lift, every strain, every bead of sweat, you’re carving a legacy. And it’s high time the world took notice.


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